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12 of the most underrated feelings in the world

*contented sigh*

1. The sweet relief when your ears “unpop” after being on a plane

giphy (10) Source: Reddit

2. Taking your bra off after a long day

giphy (11) Source: realitytvgifs/Tumblr

3. Discovering that you haven’t lost your phone and you were just panicking for nothing

4. When you go looking for a pen in your bag and you immediately find one

giphy (12) Source: scorpiant/Tumblr

5. Seeing the person next to you on the train has earphones and knowing there won’t be any awkward conversation

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6. When you enter a public bathroom and there’s nobody else in there

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7. The rush of smugness after you successfully finish a crossword

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8. Realising you’re not wearing make-up so you can rub your eyes to your heart’s content

giphy (16) Source: floom-galaxy/Tumblr

9. Cleaning your ear with an earbud – you know what we’re talking about

10. Checking your bank balance and discovering it’s actually not as bad as you thought

giphy (17) Source: realitytvgifs/Tumblr

11. Successfully dislodging a piece of popcorn that was stuck between your teeth

giphy (18) Source: Giphy

12. And the single greatest feeling of them all…

15 of the most Alan Partridge things to ever happen in real life >

8 reasons why shaving your legs is the actual worst thing on the planet >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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